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Showing posts from November, 2014

Teiid 8.9 Final Released

The Teiid community is excited to announce yet another (nearly) time boxed release of its Data Virtualization software - version 8.9. This release took an extra 4 weeks on top of regular 12 weeks to accommodate a NEW version of the host environment -  JBoss EAP 6.3.0 Alpha . You can find the Teiid downloads at A little over 100 issues were resolved and this is looking to be solid release. The major features include: TEIID-3009 WITH project minimization - common table expressions will have their project columns minimized. TEIID-3038 geoSpatial support for MongoDB translator TEIID-3050 Increased Insert Performance with sources that support batching or insert with iterator. TEIID-3044 Function Metadata is available through system tables and DatabaseMetaData. TEIID-1910 TeiidPlatform for EclipseLink integration is now provided via the teiid-eclipselink-platform jar in maven. TEIID-3119 Performance improvement...

Teiid 8.9 CR3

It seems that CR2 was well received or at least there were no major issues with the switch to EAP 6.3 Alpha.  So now we are moving onto 8.9 CR3, which is available in the  downloads  and maven.  The final release should be expected within the next 10 days. There are a couple of fixes beyond what was in CR2 and we are up to 116 total issues addressed for this release.  Work has begun on 8.10.  Expect an 8.10 Alpha about a week after the 8.9 Final.  Now is a great time to vote for or log issues to be included in that release. Thanks, Steve