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Showing posts from December, 2014

Teiid 8.10 Alpha2

Teiid 8.10 Alpha2 is now available from the  downloads  and maven.  Feature highlights include: TEIID-991 SybaseIQ Translator - for use with SybaseIQ 15.1 and later. TEIID-2882 PrestoDB Translator - for use with PrestoDB 0.85 and later. TEIID-1091 Additional SQL/XML Support - XMLEXISTS, XMLTEXT, and XMLCAST were added. TEIID-3216 Update Support for Google Spreadsheets Ramesh also introduced logic to support OAuth - Integrating Twitter With OAuth . There have been several JIRAs to increase compatibility including quoted set/show variables, temp table on commit clause, (the long overdue) -- single line comment, and set session characteristics for transaction isolation level. And of course there have been a host of other issues resolved - many of which originated from community users.  Special thanks to Filip Elias for contributing the update support for google spreadsheets. Steve

Expose Twitter data in Teiid, using OAuth Authorization

If you want to access Twitter data or any other REST web service (google, facebook etc) secured by OAuth 1.0A or OAuth 2.0 authentication schemes using Teiid, please read this article  for an example. This feature will be available in Teiid starting from 8.10.Alpha2 release. Thanks. Ramesh..

Teiid Designer 9.0 Released

Teiid Designer 9.0 Final is now available via our update site or downloadable archive. This release focused on improving existing features and bug fixes. Primary drivers for this release were: Upgrade to Eclipse 4.4 Luna target platform and JBDS 8.0 GA Compatibility with Teiid 8.8 Runtime Bug fixing with special attention to issues on Windows OS Check out our What's New for 9.0 article for details... Barry LaFond Teiid Designer Team

Teiid 8.10 Alpha1

We've made steady progress on 8.10 and Alpha1 is now available from the  downloads  and maven.  Feature highlights include: TEIID-3192 Salesforce Connectivity - connectivity was converted to the partner api provided by Salesforce rather than utilizing CXF. Please log an issue if you were utilizing features from the CXF config. TEIID-3046 Recursive Common Table Expression - engine and push down support was added. TEIID-3163 TEIID-3167 Text Table Enhancements - to support a general no trim option and to use a different row delimiter. We expect progress with Olingo, but it appears that their final won't be available until March.  Due to that and other needs we will likely produce an 8.11 as well. There will be several new sources coming in the 8.10 release including SybaseIQ and PrestoDB.  HBase is likely and there should be a couple more if time permits. Thanks in advance for the community effort as we work toward the 8.10 release and be sur...