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Showing posts from June, 2017

Teiid 9.2.4 Released

Teiid 9.2.4 has been  released .  7 issues were addressed: [ TEIID-4858 ] - hive translator is extremely slow [ TEIID-4838 ] - View with a union that projects nulls fails to resolve properly [ TEIID-4875 ] - Planning issue with multiple aggregate decompositions through a join tree [ TEIID-4913 ] - MetadataFactory is not replacing . in column names [ TEIID-4927 ] - Update dockerfile [ TEIID-4942 ] - Statement batch does not enforce autoCommitTxn [ TEIID-4953 ] - JOIN of CTEs fails if one of them is dependent and has window functions with inner DISTINCT in underlying queries From here the pace of fix releases for 9.2 will begin to slow.  The next fix will be released in 6-8 weeks.  9.3.x will become the primary focus of support - expect a 9.3.1 in 2-3 weeks. Also the first preview release of 10.0 will be due out in about 1.5 weeks. Thanks, Steve

Teiid 9.1.5 Released

Teiid 9.1.5 has been released .  This will be the last patch release off of 9.1.x. 9 issues were addressed: [ TEIID-4797 ] - Oracle: empty catalog messed up VDB schemas name [ TEIID-4819 ] - Tree page modifications removing the previous page, don't remove immediately [ TEIID-4852 ] - Wrong OData results with multiple self relationships [ TEIID-4877 ] - Boolean syntax is broken on pg 9.5 data sources [ TEIID-4890 ] - DatabaseMetadata Procedure Columns order is incorrect [ TEIID-4892 ] - oData v4 error using $expand [ TEIID-4893 ] - Inconsistent behavior of SUBSTRING function [ TEIID-4927 ] - Update dockerfile [ TEIID-4953 ] - JOIN of CTEs fails if one of them is dependent and has window functions with inner DISTINCT in underlying queries We will continue to support 9.2 and 9.3.  Expect a 9.2.4 release early next week. Thanks, Steve

Teiid 9.3 Final Released

With about 3 1/2 months of work, 138 issues later, 9.3 Final release  is ready.  Feature highlights include: TEIID-3624   CREATE DOMAIN  support for user-defined simple types. TEIID-4724   DDL .vdb  deployment. TEIID-4557   TEIID-2465   Memory restrictions  at the operation and session level. TEIID-4578   SQLAlchemy  and Superset support through our pg/odbc access. TEIID-4646   LEAD/LAG/FIRST_VALUE/LAST_VALUE  analytic/value function support. TEIID-2820   Couchbase support  via a new translator and resource adapter. TEIID-4733   Infinispan Support  via a new translator and resource adapter. There were also several important planning issues that were resolved including: More join pruning  and left outer join optimization . DDL VDB support has been enhanced to be nearly equivalent to of its XML counterpart.  We will continue to improve the usability, feature set, and re...