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Showing posts from February, 2018

Teiid 10.1.1 Released

Teiid 10.1.1 has been  released .  It resolves 13 issues: [ TEIID-5236 ] - Document and update GeoServer/PG JDBC compatibility [ TEIID-5242 ] - XML/JSON issues [ TEIID-5247 ] - SQL Server translator should support coalesce [ TEIID-5241 ] - Problem with OData proxy configuration [ TEIID-5243 ] - Embedded SessionService does not monitor sessions [ TEIID-5245 ] - Killed remote jdbc connections to an embedded server allowed to continue [ TEIID-5250 ] - Duplicate result uid reported when using procedure isFunction=true [ TEIID-5251 ] - OData WAR Module issue with WildFly-Swarm [ TEIID-5253 ] - Timing issue in domain mode with materialization [ TEIID-5254 ] - Unhandled exception when making a multipart post to a rest varbinary value [ TEIID-5255 ] - Assertion failed in MergeJoinStrategy.setProcessingSortRight [ TEIID-5256 ] - Sysadmin Usage table doesn't track usage of proced...

Teiid 9.3.7 Released

Teiid 9.3.7 has been released . It resolves 10 issues: [ TEIID-5190 ] - Postgresql translator does not support expressions in group by [ TEIID-5242 ] - XML/JSON issues [ TEIID-5200 ] - INSERT INTO query fails in BEGIN ATOMIC block if data is obtained from atomic procedure which catches some exception [ TEIID-5203 ] - Google Spreadsheet translator NPE thrown on UPDATE [ TEIID-5204 ] - NOW() is calculated several times for SYS tables [ TEIID-5221 ] - OData4 Translator generates invalid metadata [ TEIID-5241 ] - Problem with OData proxy configuration [ TEIID-5245 ] - Killed remote jdbc connections to an embedded server allowed to continue [ TEIID-5250 ] - Duplicate result uid reported when using procedure isFunction=true [ TEIID-5253 ] - Timing issue in domain mode with materialization This will be the last community release on the 9.3.x line.  Please upgrade to 10.x if possible - there is a...

Teiid 10.0.3 Released

Teiid 10.0.3 has been  released .  It resolves 17 issues: [ TEIID-5174 ] - Filter internal constructs from oracle metadata [ TEIID-5190 ] - Postgresql translator does not support expressions in group by [ TEIID-5242 ] - XML/JSON issues [ TEIID-5247 ] - SQL Server translator should support coalesce [ TEIID-5136 ] - Osisoft translator - NPE when running query with inline view [ TEIID-5140 ] - Teiid 10 postgres driver version [ TEIID-5203 ] - Google Spreadsheet translator NPE thrown on UPDATE [ TEIID-5217 ] - preserve hint should be honored by rule plan outer joins [ TEIID-5221 ] - OData4 Translator generates invalid metadata [ TEIID-5226 ] - Error when inserting a Geometry value into PostgreSQL [ TEIID-5227 ] - Error when inserting a NULL value into a PostgreSQL Geometry datatype column [ TEIID-5235 ] - Could not find symbol in processing an inline view using except [ T...