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Showing posts from June, 2010

Teiid 7.0-Final Released

After a long journey (9 months after 6.2 release), we are very excited to announce the release of Teiid 7.0 . We revamped the Teiid architecture and removed quite a bit of legacy MetaMatrix to poise our project for future development. At the same time we now integrate seemlessly with other JBoss technologies such JBoss AS, Microcontainer, JOPR, JBossTM, PicketLink, Netty, etc. Teiid is ready to meet your data integration challenges. While simplification was a consistent goal of this release, Teiid still supports most of the features available in Teiid 6.2 and earlier. Some notable new features are: The runtime environment. Now Teiid runs inside the JBoss AS. Check out all the benefits in "JCA Container Integration, why Teiid needs it?" series. Simplified Connector development with a split into the Teiid Translator API (largely defined by a single class) and JCA. Enhanced JAAS based security. Many out of the box implementations available. Support for JCA based connectors. JOP...

JCA Container Integration, Why Teiid Needs it? Part 5

Reason #5 JBoss AS Container This reason seems to compliment the title of this article and at the same time contradict some parts of it. Let me explain, it compliments because JBoss AS provides hosting environment of all the reasons described before, and at the same time it takes initial goal of Teiid to be container agnostic. During the development of Teiid 7.0, we tried to be independent of not using any particulars of any single container and sticking to common libraries and specifications, however in few places we had to use JBoss AS specifics like Profile Service, propagating the security contexts etc. Overall, benefits outweigh the hard dependency on JBoss AS. Lets explore the benefits. Provides a JCA environment for Teiid with transactions support. Any connector (resource adaptor) in JBoss AS can be used with Teiid Translator. Single installation. Teiid is installed on top JBoss AS installation, thus, this defines installation directory structure for the Teiid. Since Teiid compo...

Teiid 7.0 CR1 Released

We are pleased to announce that after many long hours of work Teiid 7.0 CR1 is available. This candidate release refines our separation of the old connector API into light weight Translators and JCA components [1]. Text [2] and web service [3] integration has been redesigned from the ground up to simplify usage. Nearly all of SQL/XML 2003 [4] support has been added, as well as XMLTABLE [5] and XMLQUERY [6] from SQL/XML 2006 which replace our old xml/relational logic and direct XQuery integration respectively. See the examples for a Dynamic vdb that calls and processes REST and RPC webservices from the National Weather Service for getting started with some of the XML features. Support for nested table references was added [7], which is a better alternative Teiid's procedural relational style queries. And finally the AdminShell now has both a command line and a graphical mode thanks to a redesign utilizing Groovy [8]. As you can see there is a lot of new and powerful features avail...