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Showing posts from February, 2015

Teiid 8.10 CR2 Released

We found a small kitting issue with 8.10 CR1, and thus we are releasing a 8.10 CR2 today. After CR1, we fixed about ~10 bugs that have identified by the community, so thank for that. Download at One feature that has been added is "Nested Table Support" in the MongoDB, where one can define multiple related tables with relationships and produce a single document on the MongoDB. This is will co-locate the data and makes the queries execute faster when using joins between related tables. Teiid Docker Image is also being uploaded to DockerHub We will be branching the Teiid GIT repo for 8.10 Final, and start working on 8.11 today or tomorrow. If no serious issues found, we expect 8.10.Final by the end of next week. So, get the latest CR2 and verify your usecases before the final is released to ensure the continuity. 8.11 is shaping up, it is time for you to speak up and let us know what features you are most interested in, let us know ...

Teiid 8.10 CR1

Teiid 8.10 CR1 is available from the  downloads  and maven.  Feature highlights since Beta2 include: TEIID-3043 Docker Image - can now be produced by the build. The geospatial feature continues to evolve. We'll now read geometry values from Oracle, Postgresql/Postgis, and MySQL - including their SRID's. There are also now 18 system functions . Ideally the final release should be ready by the 20th, but that will of course depend upon any issues that still need to be addressed. Work on Teiid 8.11 is expected to start sometime next week, so be sure to let us know if there are any issues that you would like to get in. Steve