We've made substantial progress toward a full release of Teiid Designer 6.0.0. Taking a half million lines of Java code into open source has been a daunting task and we're almost there. To hold you over until 6.0.0 is ready, we released a second SNAPSHOT for download . This SNAPSHOT provides full functionality of Designer's Preview Data feature as well as delivering native JDBC driver templates to assist in quickly getting you set up to import your source schema for model creation. All you'll need to provide are the driver jar's themselves. Note the following features are not fully functional due to Extension metamodel problems incurred as a result of our EMF upgrade from version 2.1 to 2.4. Extension model creation and editing Web Service as Relational Source Model importer XML Schema as Relational Source Model importer Salesforce as Relational Source Model importer So install this latest pre-release version and try out Designer's data virtualization mode...
Teiid is a Data Virtualization System for your Enterprise, convert the data you have to data you need!