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Teiid 8.13 Beta1 with WildFly 9.0.2 Available

The next revision Beta1 of Teiid 8.13 with WildFly is now released. The target version of WildFly we choose is 9.0.2.Final, which is latest stable release by the WildFly team. You can download it from

The issues described about sockets, clustering in previous release are now fixed. Support for Web-Console is added back in this release. The navigation of Web-Console has changed a lot, so please take a look and give us feedback.

In the next revision we will be removing "embedded" kit, and will be updating the corresponding examples soon.  We expect to have release a candidate release before the holiday break and hopefully final following soon after that.

This Beta1 version is be good version for start testing you usecase and letting us know about any issues you encounter, we can try fix them before final release.

Thank you.



  1. So we even though the "embedded" kit will disappear, I will be able to refer to the right single module from Ivy and get all the proper dependencies downloaded?

  2. yes, it may be couple different modules, but all based on maven dependencies not what is in the kit. You can see example at

  3. Will it be possible to deploy teidd web-Ui war fle and run on this version of wild fly?
    It was not working on WildFly 9.0.1.

  4. Nishant,

    If downloaded the server version the war file is already included in it. The one on Downloads will not work, as I did not update the link there to the newer version.



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